Monday, March 16, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

I roll over and stare at my clock that reads 6:30 a.m. as I hear my sister's obnoxious alarm from the next room.  I finally get to sleep in but, of course, every other person in my house has no consideration for that.  Whatever.  I roll over, close my eyes, bury myself under my blanket and try not to think of the day ahead.  Finally, I drag myself out of bed an hour later, first period is starting and I am so thankful I don't have to sit through another lecture on the burning of fossil fuels or watch an hour and a half documentary on the "Call of the Loon."  

My stomach growls for solid food, but all I can have is a very little bit of water or apple juice.  I sit back down on my bed and want to crawl back asleep but then I hear my phone vibrate and I have a text from my friend Molly; she says, "Good Luck!!!!"  Ugh! Why did she have to remind me?  Did I mention that I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled today?  Yes, all four.  Hmm... maybe I would rather be in school.

It is now ten o'clock.  I sit impatiently as the cold, stale air of the dental office settles around me.  The nurse straps a blood pressure pump around my arm and it tightens and tightens, I think to myself, I may not need anesthesia after the pain of this makes me pass out.  And then walks in the doctor.  Look at him with his stupid smile, trying to be all friendly.  Well, let me tell you, I am not liking him too much right now.  If the man who is pulling four teeth out of my head thinks he's getting a smile from me well think again buddy.  It's eleven o'clock.  All my friends are at lunch, they're probably at Parkway or Dunkin right now, seeping their teeth into donuts and sipping iced coffee.  Yep, school is looking really nice right about now.

An hour or so later I wake up confused, stiff, tired, and numb.  Where the hell am I and why can't I feel my face?  I look to my left and see my mom sitting next to me holding ice packs.  Oh yea, now I remember, I just had four of my freaking teeth pulled out of my head.  Wow, I never thought I'd think this, but I wish I was in Calc right now.  

After a little while longer I work up the strength to sit up, oh wait, yep, I'm still dizzy.  The nurse quickly hooks me up to an oxygen mask.  My mom is still sitting next to me, she has on that same fake smile my doctor had, but I can see right past her and I know I must look terrible.  "How much longer will I feel like this?" I some how successfully mumble to the nurse. "Probably for the rest of the day, you will most likely sleep through all the numbness and just make sure to ice every 20 minutes."  I ask for water but can't feel my chin or lips so my mom has to feed me, I can't even feel myself swallow.  This is just perfect.  Oh yea, that AP Psych test is looking sweet compared to this.  And my friends were jealous because I got to sleep a little extra this morning.  Well, if any of them want to trade places that is okay by me.  

The moment has finally come.  I am back home and in bed quickly falling back asleep.  Ahh, this is good.  Sucks for all my friends sitting in school right now.


  1. I really liked this piece. I could easily imagine what you went through and understand how you thought that you would rather be in class. Being home for reasons like this are not fun at all. I also liked the sarcasm and tone in which you wrote this in. Great job.

  2. I thought this piece was great. It shows that sometimes being at home isnt fun. It is also scary because that is what happens when your wisdom teeth get pulled it's kind of scary to even think about.

  3. I really like the casual tone of this piece, especially where you used phrases like "oh yea." I also like how you began the story without revealing the real reason why you get to stay home from school. Good job!

  4. Your story has so much voice. It makes the story really come out alive and I really like all the details that you put in. The experience of getting wisdom teeth pulled sounds scary but at the same time you wrote it with humor that made it really interesting!

  5. i really liked your story. I like how u make getting your wisdom teeth pulled seem like a bitter sweet experience. Bitter because of the pain you felt and sweet because you missed school. Overall, Great Job!

  6. HAHHAHAHAHHAAH, jessica, this piece is great! it is so funny and I can see you really did have your wisdom teeth removed. I like how you said you rather be in school then deal with the pain. The tone throughout it straight up hilarious. I know how you feel cause I had 6 removed and not the greatest feeling in world. This writing shows such an interesting experience and was really enjoyable to read!
