Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lost on Mt. Ventoux

For some strange reason Cedric, Lauren and Nick thought it would be fun to take their 15 campers on a night hike up to the highest peak in Providence, France. Bundling up in layers and packing their knapsacks with food and water the adventurous group headed out at 10p.m. for the anticipated hike.

"Can we use our flashlights," one boy asked?
"No, just follow the stars," replied Cedric.
"But we're in the woods, we can't see our own two feet let alone the stars being blocked by hundreds of trees."
"Well then grab the bag of the person in front of you and everyone follow me. Remember to look for markers on the trees!"  
"But we can't see anything! Can we just turn around, who cares about watching some stupid sunrise?"
"Will you just have some faith please, stop complaining."

And the 18 hikers continued on their way with minimal complaints. Wait no, with a lot of complaints . . . and aches and pains and, "is this is a group of 17 year olds or 70 year olds?" Cedirc asked. "Five more minutes and I promise the top is just around the bend."

Ten minutes later and Cedric was still saying "Five more minutes!" Twenty minutes later and he was still saying "Five more minutes!"

"And you told us to have faith," said one of the girls. "Admit it, you have no idea where we are and where you are going."
"I promise, just five more minutes," replied Cedric.
 "I've heard that one before."

With barely any food or water left, sweating and shivering at the same time, the group finally made it up to 7,000 feet and saw some light up ahead. Literally in the middle of no where there was this huge house lit up bright in the vast opening of the woods. Tired and practically falling over a few of the boys jumped the fence and sprinted off toward the house to make sure it really wasn't some mirage. However, before the boys could make it to the front door a group of loud dogs charged at these crazy intruders. There was noise and energy all around as if the fatigue the group just felt hiked away on its own. Cedirc, Nick and Lauren were yelling at the boys who jumped the fence, others were fighting over whatever food was left, some kids passed out on the ground and those crazy boys were fighting with the dogs. Then, as if magic had taken over, the dogs fell silent and the boys still. Everyone looked up to see a large, burly man with a long, knotted beard shadowing over the group.  Without a word the group slowly backed off the man's property, turned and swiftly walked, or ran rather, into the dark of the woods. Reorganizing themselves on the trail Cedric promised that if they weren't at the top in five minutes he would run ahead to see how much further the trail went and if there were any signs of light.  

Five minutes, 15 bruises and scratches and 500 complaints later guess what?  They were at the top and just in time to witness a fiery and vibrant sunrise overlooking all the mountain tops of Providence, France.

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