Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who Said Reading Isn't Cool?

Being honest with yourself and others is very important because honesty will only help you realize your full potential and true beliefs. Although the truth may hurt sometimes, admitting to the truth as to why or why not we read is very beneficial for you to become an active reader. In the article by Motoko Rich, "A Good Mystery: Why We Read," Rich explains that reading is like internal punishment and that many people have "literary indifference." I find that literary indifference comes from many high school students because they find reading boring or seen more of as work and a chore than enjoyment and leisure. What helps me to really get into a great book is finding the perfect series or author that I can escape with and pretend that I am a new character. Like Rich said, interest is "shaped in part by external forces . . . by a spark within the imagination." When I find an intiguing author or series I want to read every book without stopping, I want to become the character and truly understand where he/she is coming from and what he/she is experiencing. I know I have found the perfect book when I laugh out loud and want to cry or scream or dance.
I disagree with Wesley Jackson when he says in his article, "Why We Read," that "Reading isn't cool." If reading is an activity that you do becuase you enjoy it and you can be transformed into a hundred different characters and travel to a thousand different lands then reading is very cool.

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